Fredagscaféen is a student-run bar at the Department of Computer Science, Aarhus University, which has been a social gathering place for students and employees at the department since 1993. We are known for our large selection of specialty beers, which are constantly being changed. In addition, we focus on having something for every taste and price range, and we always have a large selection of soda, cider, shots, gluten-free beer and non-alcoholic alternatives. We are also the only Friday bar in the country that always has lager from Aarhus Bryghus on tap. Finally, feel free to take a look at our fixed selection, here.
Fredagscaféen is run by a volunteer board of directors consisting of students at the department, which can also be seen here. The bar is non-profit, and the profits go towards maintaining the bar and events for the bartenders.
Fredagscaféen is located in the basement of the Nygaard building at the Department of Computer Science, Finlandsgade 21, 8200 Aarhus N.
The bar is open every Friday from 3pm until we close. When we say the bar is open every Friday, we mean it. Whether it's public holidays, exam periods or summer vacation, we're open.
At the moment the bar has been open 199 weeks in a row, since June 11, 2021.
Our postal address is:
Att. Fredagscaféen
C/O Aarhus Universitet
Åbogade 34,
8200 Aarhus N
The board can be contacted at
Our CVR number is: 27973647